Officinal Agretto-Cress €2.73 Originally from Iran, it has become, well-acclimatized in the Mediterranean, basin, where in the middle, ages it was considered Kingìs food. It is grown at a domestic level in houses hydroponically, or in a domestic kitchen garden where it grows rapidly. It can be used as fresh food for hours-dìoeuvres or in salads. It has depurative, antispasmodic, and... Add to cart
Officinal Green Anise €2.73 Typically the Mediterranean, it was in former times grown in Tuscany. Its fruits ( acini ) are used from which is extracted by steaming an essence with a characteristic odor. The essence has antispasmodic, carminative ( expulsion of intestinal gas ), and expectorating features. It is suitable for light nervous ailments and for the affection of the... Add to cart
Officinal Sea Wormwood €2.73 It is typical of the Maremma coast, characterized by clayey, brackish, and swampy grounds. The tops of the very small flowers, which look like seeds, are to be harvested before the withering. It is used little as a seasoning, it has vermifuge and healing features. NEVER ADMINISTER PREPARATIONS TO CHILDREN. For external use, it is an excellent cicatrizing... Add to cart
Officinal Basil of Tuscany €2.73 Originally from Africa and India, it has acclimatized itself in the Mediterranean basin and is widely grown in gardens. In Tuscany, it is traditional to grow it also in the city in vases or bowls. It is very useful in the kitchen as a seasoning and is used fresh. It has sedative ( calm and regulates the nervous suitable for activity ) antispasmodic ( acts... Add to cart
Officinal Artichoke of Tuscany €2.73 A pluriennal plant, 60/100 cm. in height, it requires a mild winter climate. SOWING: use of the seed preserves the variety. It is sown from the 2nd to the 3rd month in full soil, fromthe 3rd month of the winter to the 1st month of spring in a seedbed, followed by transplanting in autumn. It requires abundant watering. TUSCANY HERB Add to cart
Officinal Coriander €2.73 Naturalized in the Mediterranean basin, it is a wild plant diffused in Tuscany in clayey grounds. Only the fresh fruits are harvested to season game and cooked meat, or as a food, masking one's breath. It has intoxicating ( stimulates vascular movement ), exciting, carminative, antiseptic and anti-hysterical properties. It is advised for statuses of... Add to cart
Officinal Chives €2.73 A plant originally from the Nordic countries, does not fear the cold and has acclimatized in the Mediterranean. Its leaves are used in flavour salads or food. It has cardiotonic ( it reinforces, slows down and regulates heartbeats ), antiseptic, and hypoglycemic ( lowers the quantity of glucose, in the blood ) properties. It is preferable to onion for... Add to cart
Officinal Wild Fennel €2.73 Originally from the Mediterranean, it is frequently found in hot-humid grounds along country paths. Mainly the seeds are used to flavour boiled chestnuts, the ìfinocchionai ( typical Tuscany salami ) and olives. When drank as a tea it has diuretic properties ( it favours purification of the blood ) and spasmolytic, carminative and expectorating... Add to cart
Officinal Hyssop €2.73 Typically the Mediterranean, it is wide-spread in the limestone grounds of Tuscany ( Maremma ). Seasoning for drinks ( liqueurs, vinegar, apèritifs ), it is among the 18 herbs of Swiss tea. It has antispasmodic, depurative, healing (scarring), tonic ( eliminates tiredness ) properties. It is suitable as a sedative for post irritative bronchial affections.... Add to cart
Officinal Lavander €2.73 Typically of Mediterranean, it is also present in the sunny and ventilated hills of Tuscany, in deep grounds. In the Florentine tradition, harvested before the complete flowering in bunches or tulle bags, it is used in the closet as perfume and insecticide for linen. It is used little as a seasoning, as a tea it has antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent... Add to cart