Naturalized in the Mediterranean basin, it is a wild plant diffused in Tuscany in clayey grounds. Only the fresh fruits are harvested to season game and cooked meat, or as a food, masking one's breath. It has intoxicating ( stimulates vascular movement ), exciting, carminative, antiseptic and anti-hysterical properties. It is advised for statuses of depression and shock. IT IS NOT TO BE USED BY HYPERTENSIVES.
- An annual plant, 60/70 cm high.
- SEEDING: in the spring for summer/fall harvesting.
- GROWING: it does not require any particular care, it is also grown in vases.
The Cynara is typical of the Mediterranean regions where it is found spontaneously like Carduccio (C. cardunculus). Widely cultivated in Maremma as a food, the flower is eaten both raw and cooked. Digestibility decreases with cooking and when cooked it should be used early as the preservation releases toxins. The leaf is used as a medicine, although to a lesser extent the flower, in cynarotherapy which has a beneficial action on the cardiovascular system. Its properties are varied and interesting, it is considered an aphrodisiac (it increases sexual power and desire), hypoglycemic and tonic, it helps against cellulite and obesity.