Bouquet garden roses €59.09 Particularly sweet and romantic bouquet composed of garden roses, with fuchsia, pink and white colours. Its speciality is delicately scented roses, with the addition of white Lathyrus which are also scented. Cost euro from 50.00 to 80.00 euro. Add to cart
Bouquet Spring bouquet with daffodils, blue moon freesias, white roses and deep pink buttercups €34.09 Spring bouquet with daffodils, blue moon freesias, white roses and deep pink buttercups finished with suitable green, very light in its presentation. Euro 30.00-45.00 Add to cart
Bouquet Colourful bouquet with orange and white buttercups, fuchsia peonies and white avalanche... €47.73 Colourful bouquet with orange and white buttercups, fuchsia peonies and white avalanche roses. Finished with elegant green. The bouquet is finished with plain teal coloured paper. 45.00-60.00 Euros Add to cart
Bouquet lotus flowers, white peonies, orange germs and spikes of flowering €38.64 Particular bouquet, possible only in summer, with strong contrasts, composed of pink lotus flower. white peonies, orange germs and spikes of flowering mint. Euro 35.00- 50.00 Add to cart
Bouquet hydrangeas, roses, peonies and bouvardia bouquet €81.82 A beautiful bouquet, elegant, refined in shades of magical pink. Composed of hydrangeas, roses, peonies and bouvardia. The pink scale makes it particularly sober. Euro 80.00-100.00 Add to cart
Bouquet Splendid delphinium bouquet €68.18 Gentle bouquet, in tune with the colours of the sky, composed of light blue hydrangeas and splendid delphinium, particularly light and elegant. Euro 70.00-80.00 Add to cart
Bouquet Mixed bouquet €59.09 Mixed bouquet with succulent plants and different flowers, irregular particularly whimsical interesting in its presentation. Closed with jute and finished with hedera and musk. € 60.00-70.00 Add to cart
Bouquet Bouquet of mixed colours tulips €40.91 Bouquet of mixed colours tulips, fresh and youthful presentation. Finished with plain green paper and tied with string. Euro 30.00-60.00 Add to cart
Bouquet Autumn bouquet with strong colours dahlias €81.82 Autumn bouquet with strong colours dahlias and leaves on orange-yellow, brown, Particularly radiant in its strong contrasts. 80.00-100.00 € Add to cart
Bouquet Red roses Bouquet €27.27 Bouquet of red roses, red Naomi, slightly scented, height 60 cm (€ 3.00 for each) Add to cart